Monday, December 15, 2014


For most of my life, when I heard the name "Elle MacPherson", the thought that came to mind was when, then young, Tights Lover happened upon the annual swimsuit issue by Sports Illustrated magazine.  It was one of several that Elle MacPherson graced both the cover and the pages of.  Elle was, as you might imagine, stunning as ever, posing in swimsuits that one would probably never actually wear into the water.  Safe to say, Elle MacPherson would be the first crush of my young life.

Fast forward quite a few years, and I found myself drawn in to the local lingerie boutique (I swear, I was just walking by...) when I noticed a gorgeous pair of panties on the display in the window.  After walking inside and getting distracted by several other things (like a kid in a candy store, as always), if finally made my way back to the elusive panties in the window.  Upon inspecting the tag on the back, I saw:  Elle MacPherson Intimates.

That Elle MacPherson?

Indeed.  My crush had come full circle.

Needless to say, the panties, known as the Dentelle Culotte Brief, if you're interested, would be coming home with me that day.  Perhaps also needless to say, I'd be scouring the internet for more by Elle MacPherson, finally finding some at Journelle, where additional Elle MacPherson intimates, among other things would be purchased. 

Almost instantly, Elle MacPherson Intimates has become a favorite brand of mine.  And I can promise you, it has nothing to do with nostalgia.  There is plenty to love about this designer, no matter who she was before now. 

I promise you'll be hearing plenty more about Elle MacPherson Intimates, but in the meantime, here are a few other things to check out, while you wait.

Wind Chime Thong
Safari Style Thong

Cloud Swing Thong

French Flavour Midi Brief

Dentelle Thong

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