Monday, December 22, 2014

Josephine from Dollhouse Bettie

I am absolutely obsessed with Dollhouse Bettie.

Be certain that Dollhouse Bettie will have its very own post on this blog some day.  But for now, just know that it is a lingerie boutique located in the Haight-Ashbury district in the heart of San Francisco, California.  Those who have been fortunate enough to visit that area probably know about that it is credited with being the home of the birth of bohemian movement and, later, the hippie movement. 

Dollhouse Bettie's style harkens back to a day where lingerie was less about minimalism, and more about enhancing one's sensuality.  I'm a huge fan of their retro and pinup styles.

One of their latest masterpieces is the Josephine collection.  It's hand-cut in a delicate eyelash lace and it is amazing to look at.  I hope you enjoy it...

Longline Bra & Brief

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